
What is a nice way of telling my husband that his mom is not welcome in our home?

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What is a nice way of telling my husband that his mom is not welcome in our home?




  1. 1. "If she's coming, I'm leaving"

    2. "I hate your mother"

    3. "Honey why's your mother such retarded spiteful"

    4. "Tell her we're quarantined for HIV"

  2. You can't tell him that. It's his house too, and it's his mother. You can't tell him she is not allowed there. Sorry.  

  3. What if he demands your mom not stay over at the home as well ?

  4. no nice way really. u must have a good reason though and pray that ur husband reasons along with you...

  5. There is no way. Unless there are real reasons, tried to stab you, tried to burn down house etc, its probably not going to work.  

  6. By getting your own place.

    As long as you share a place with your husband, you need to allow him to have people over.

  7. Talk to him about it.  Try explaining why you don't want her around and see how he feels about it.

  8. There is not a nice way! You need to sit him down and tell why you feel this way. Chances are he is going to be upset about it but wouldn't you rather he be upset than to deal with his mother..?

  9. Considering it is your husband's home have no right telling his mother she is no longer welcome in the home that belongs to the BOTH of you....

  10. There is no nice way.  But why don't you want her in your home?  Will he support this decision?  How would you feel if this was the other way around?

  11. man, i wish i had the answer to this years ago. but now i really don't have to worry. we are getting divorced, and i don't see her anymore.

  12. I don't think there's any nice way to put it you can say it nice but it will still be taken poorly. Do the best you can if this is something you know has to be done. Like if she is making your life h**l for some reason which is my guess if it has come to this.

  13. WHY?

    It's common for the wife and MIL to not get along, but to make her unwelcome in your home is harsh. Especially leaving it up to him to handle. If there is a justifiable reason, that's one thing, but this IS his mother...  

  14. To be honest with you I don't think theres any nice way of saying that to him. And especially if he's close to her. It sounds like something really bad has happened between you two. This is a hard situation to be in because it is your mother in law. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. But really>>>There isn't any NICE way. Good luck

  15. tell him you don't want the interfering old bag anywhere near you or your kids... :D

  16. Tell your husband that you love his mom, but think its best to have healthy boundaries. Arrange to meet her as often is comfortable on neutral ground. Take her out to dinner or meet her at a destination for family outings.

  17. There isn't a nice way.  And we really can't help you until you add the details of WHY she isn't welcome.  Does she steal things?  Pee and poo on your carpet?  Show up drunk?  Abuse your kids or pets? Damage your furniture?  Or maybe she just got out of prison for some particularly despicable crime?

    Or is she not welcome simply because she's annoying?

    Prove to us that she deserves to be unwelcome and someone here will come up with a perfect answer for you.

  18. Wow you better have a pretty good darn reason. This is him mother you are talking about. Unless she has been truly horrible to the point he does not like her you are outta bounds. Sometimes we have to put on our happy face in life to help our spouse.  

  19. This is a hard question to answer without more information. Is she really overstepping the boundries?, or is it you? But from what you asked i would have to say no you cant tell him his mother is not welcome. The operative word in your question in "our", and you need to remember that or justify your feelings more.

  20. What are the grounds?

    If its a valid reason for you not wanting her there, I would just sit down with him and ask him to respect your opinion and your feelings.

    This question can't get a viable answer with such a vague overview.

  21. There is not a nice way, just say it calmly. Don't be concern in hurting his feelings, he already knows his mom is a pain.

    The house belongs to both of you, and if one disagrees if there is one that says "no more" that one wins.  

  22. By stating your points clearly. Does your husband feel the same way about the issues? Communication would be best in this situation.  Either way it may hurt one of you so coming to a compromise may work well.

  23. there really isn't a nice way at all.  I gave my ex a choice though.  He could put her up in a hotel or me.  He was an @ss about it so he said I can go stay in a hotel.  hehehe I picked the swankiest one in town, put it on his card, and enjoyed the most fantastic spa day of my life!!!!    lol, we are divorced now, but lol, memories like that almost make me miss the b@stard.  I sure could use another spa day now.

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