
What is a nice way to say your constant complaining is getting on my nerves?

by  |  earlier

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I can usually ignore it, but today it's unusually bad. My co-worker is griping about everything from crumbs on the floor, to what was on TV last night and everything in between!

Maybe a joke like, Rough morning? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Cat ran away? We are pretty chummy so I might be able to get away with that...but I don't know right now...considering the current mood.

Any ideas?




  1. maybe just ask her if something is bothering her, if she asks why, just tell her she seems a bit more cranky thean normal. Maybe she jsut needs to vent.

  2. I'm sorry but I really can't cope with your personality problems at the moment because I have my own to attent to


    I'm sorry, you've mistaken me for someone who gives a ****


    I'm sorry (name of complainer here) but I just find you  negative attitudes so weary


    Do you hear that, they are trying to get in (look around all mysterious and then Shriek loudly)  

  3. Ummm...I say this one to my co-worker.

    If you don't cheer up, I am going to have to quit and leave you to this miserable job all by yourself!

  4. Maybe it's pms - a chocolate will do.

  5. Simple, I usually don't pay any attention to those that constantly whine, pi$$ and moan about stupid things I do recall about over 20 years ago when I went through Army Boot camp I had a Bunk Mate that Constantly Pi$$ed and moaned about everything I did, and do you know what I did, I had a girlfriend of mine send me a "TAMPON" and I when i got it in the mail, I laid it on his bunk with a note, that said "Feeling B____Y? Shove this directly up your @ss and Rotate on it

  6. Wow, you must be a really nice person. I'd just say, dude, life's too short, move on... but of course, that would not be my advice to you. I think firstly, make sure he doesn't get you down too! You sound like a very positive person. Try and block those ears of yours, if you can. And for the rest, try making a lot of positive comments, and if he slams them down with another growl or complaint, just smile it off. Perhaps he has some deeper troubles which he is not comfortable speaking about, so it kind of gets verbalised through everyday moans and groans.

    Good luck.

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