
What is a normal Ovarian follicle?

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I have had an early miscarriage a month ago (26 July). Last week went to the doctor and they saw a 15 mm ovarian follicle - is that normal? In general, what size is that supposed to be? How does that vary in relation to menstruation cycle or pregnancy? Should I worry given that one of my aunt died with ovarian cancer?

Also - Any hint on when i should be expecting my menses? I was 4 weeks preg when i have had that stupid miscarriage.





  1. I'm sorry about your miscarriage.

    Yes, that's a normal follicle. It means you're ovulating again--your body has recovered from the miscarriage and your ovaries are working normally again. 15mm means it's close to full size and ready to release the egg. So you can expect a period in 2 weeks or so, unless you get pregnant again. The follicle grows beginning after the end of your period, then when full size, releases the egg, and then remains for several days until it realizes you're not pregnant. Then it starts to shrink. And the cycle begins anew.

    Don't worry about that follicle in relation to ovarian cancer. Like I said, it's healthy. Your body will continue to produce follicles every month until menopause. Since you have an aunt with ovarian cancer, you might want to take birth control pills at some point--taking them reduces your risk of ovarian cancer greatly. Alternately, getting your tubes tied also reduces ovarian cancer risk.

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