
What is a normal on/off cycle/day for oil burner in summer?

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my first summer in a home with an oil burner, the burner turns on even when no hot water is being used, is that normal? how often should i expect it to cycle per day? sorry to sound so ignorant, but it's all new to me and I want to be sure i am not wasting precious oil.




  1. Since your furnace is also making the hot water it will turn on and off as necessary to maintain the water temperature. If nobody is using hot water, and it seems to be running a lot, check and see if the tank is properly insulated and not leaking and don't set the water temperature any hotter than necessary. Also,in a few cases, a mixing valve is connected so the the toilet tanks fill with warm water to prevent condensation, so you could be using hot water when using the toilet.

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