
What is a normal temp and what temp will a typical temp be if a woman is in the early stages of pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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Just to clarify, when I say. 'what is a normal temp' I mean in regards to figrures thanx.




  1. A normal temp is different for every woman. If you know your temp before ovulation it is easy to see if you have a rise in temps.

  2. The average is 98.6.  But that varies from person to person.

    So average for a pregnant woman is 98.6 as well.

    You just have to chart your own temperatures, at the exact same time every day.  But it's so hard to discern the small differences each day.

  3. this can't be answered as every womans body temp is different!  basically as long as your temp goes up after ovulation and stays up combined with a missed period it's a pretty good bet your test will be +

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