
What is a normal temp for a 6 year old boy?

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My 6 year old son has been quite lethargic all day, which is extremely unusual for him. He has hardly eaten anything. He even fell asleep for a couple of hours this afternoon. I recently took his temperature and it was 37.4 celcius. Is this normal or should i be more worried than i am?




  1. His temperature is normal. Maybe he's coming down with something. Keep an eye on him, check for rashes etc., he may just be overtired. Ring a hospital if you are still worried.

  2. nah perfect temp. hes prob under the weather. coming down with a cold of some sort.

    dont panic. hes 6 he should tell u if hes unwell at any point

  3. that is a very mild temp. Normal is about 36.5. It sounds like something may hit overnight or tomorrow. It may be he is just tired after a long term at school or tomorrow you will be needing to make a trip to the GP

  4. because your son has been feeling and acting out of the ordinary for him, I would probably go and visit a doctor.

  5. I believe that 37.4 Celsius equals 99 Fahrenheit.  I know that a "normal" temp is ABOUT 98.6 Fahrenheit.  Everyone varies slightly though.  For example my normal is about 97.9.  So he isn't really running a fever and if his normal is on the lower side than it may be a low grade fever but if its a little higher he may not be running a fever at all.

    He may be coming down with something or he may not have slept well last night and is tired.  See a doctor if you think he isn't feeling well.  Ask him if he is feeling sick.

  6. 37 celcius is a normal temperature for a 6 year old (gender doesn't matter).  So, he's not running a fever.

    How long has his lethargy lasted?  Only today?  Did he not get a good night's sleep last night?

    Perhaps it's just a growth spurt - when the body is going through growth spurts, energy is used up to grow rather than play.  If it persists for more than a few days, a call to your pediatrician might be in order.

  7. Normal temp for any human regardless of age is 36 Celsius. He has a temperature and should see a doctor. Meningitis is a concern with symptoms you have described. Age makes no dif to standard temp but a young child copes less well than an adult with same temp. All the best and hope he gets better.

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