
What is a normal time frame for a site to get:?

by  |  earlier

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1) google PR 4or5

2) Alexa site rank < 100 000




  1. The time frame depends on so many things:

    1. How much effort you put into it

    2. How good you are at creating content that gets links.

    3. What sites you already have to link to it and drive traffic to it.


  2. There is NO normal time. As  has been mentioned, already, there are too many variables; type of website, amount of original content, how informative and educational is your content (search engines love resource and informational sites) seo, number of inbound links, number of website hits you are receiving, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Plus, the search engines all have different algorithms, different spidering frequencies, etc. It&#039;s really a c**p shoot as to how fast things will happen. I can tell you this, it will NOT happen overnight, no matter how good your site is, and how well search engine optimized it is.

    Now, I can tell you how to make that time as fast as possible. Do good seo (keywords, meta tags, site content, etc.) Get back links to your site by doing things like participating in forums, blogs, writing and publishing articles in online magazines, or ezines, do link exchanges with highly ranked sites that are thematically relevant to yours, purchase web traffic from traffic vendors (not so much to get sales, etc. but to get traffic which will boost your alexa rank and your search engine rank as well). These are some things you can do that will speed the process up, some. But there are still no guaranteed time frames.

    And, don&#039;t fall for all those advertizements out there that say they will guarantee first page rank in google, msn, yahoo, etc. You pay a bundle for their services, but in my opinion, you can get there on your own, with the above practices, and still have both arms and legs attached, if you get my drift.

    Hope this helped.

  3. Hi,

    The time frame depends on many things:

    1. How much better content compare to other website

    2. How are at generate back link and traffic  .

    3. What sites are coming normally 500 user that archive target max one  years


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