
What is a number eleven punishment in the Royal Navy?

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I'm reading a book about the Royal Navy during World War 2 and the number eleven punishment comes up a lot. What does it involve?




  1. Number 11 involves being poked in the eye with a rusty harpoon whilst the muppet babies sing every single Beatle song backwards until your kneecaps fall off

  2. Only a guess so probably wrong but it could be to do with homosexual acts, because it was not only illegal but also got you dismissed from the services.

  3. I do not know - i do know that if they lost part of their uniform i. e. hat, blouse or other parts that was a punishable offense.  good luck in your search

  4. 9s punishment  is when you have to see the captain for some misdemenour  and punishment usualy involves some menial task lasting anything from a couple of hour to a couple of weeks  scrubbing the decks peeling spuds etc.

  5. death by errection

  6. i dont know

  7. forfeit of leave for 2 weeks

    '14 days' Number 11 Punishment. I was much dismayed at this, since it meant that I should forfeit all leave for the next two weeks

    I should also be put to various punishment tasks every hour of the day except when on duty, and it would be a black mark in my record. I had to report at 0630 and at mealtimes and during the evenings for five hours' extra work every day. The tasks I was set included sweeping, scrubbing, painting, and correcting Signal Books'

  8. Your turn in the barrel

  9. Oh God, not the barrel.

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