
What is a nutritious breakfast that will help prepare for school (read for details, please)?

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What kind of breakfast will help me do better in school? As in, "brain food." I've heard that certain foods can help you make a more productive day. Last year, I usually always ate cereal with milk in the morning, and I did fine, but does eggs and toast do any better? Sorry if the question is a bit vague, and thanks for the answers.




  1. Oatmeal is one of the best breakfast for us.  Buy the boxes of 12 packages of oatmeal.  Just add 1/2 cup of hot water to one package and let it sit for a minute or two.  If you are a big eater, open two packages and add one cup of hot water (or steaming milk).

    A piece of wheat toast or two would be good to eat with the oatmeal.

    Phelps, the winning swimmer of the Olympics eats:

    Two fried egg sandwiches;

    One three egg omelet;

    Two pancakes or French Toast.

    (Phelps is 6'4" and weights 194 lbs)

    It looks like eggs are REALLY good for us.  They are protein and no carbs.  

    The bread and pancakes/french toast gives him the needed carbs.


  2. Eat rice.

    It's cheap and you need carbs.

  3. Protein stick swith you.  Traditional breakfast proteins are eggs, ham, turkey bacon, lowfat cheeses, cottage cheese, that sort of thing.

    Eggs and toast will probably stick w/you longer than cereal and milk.  Eat things w/ fiber in them, like whole wheat bread or wheat or oat muffins, and that will keep you from getting hungry (and distracted) before lunch.  But change it up... you'll get bored w/the same thing every day!

  4. I think its important to have some protein for eggs as long as they are not fat fried would be ok... I prefer a good organic yogurt, with some fresh berries and then maybe a bit of Kashi cereal in it...I also make sure I have water so as not to be dehydrated.  While I am in school I try to keep some almonds or a good nut mix for a lil healthy lift... make sure there is no sugar in there..its really the white sugar that brings my energy down... good luck!

  5. eggs are my super food.

    low in carbs, high in protein.

    although if you eat them every day, i would suggest only eating one.

    toast with peanut butter keeps you full and could help you do better.

    any kind of fruit or fruit juice would be good.

    and a vitamin everyday.


  6. I dont know if this is brain food but this is what i have in the morning:

    right after i brush my teeth i have a glass of cold water

    then after i'm done getting ready I have 2 hard boiled eggs that I made the night before and kept in the fridge (with the heat here where I live the last thing I crave is hot food. Then I have either a yogurt or toast and I have a fruit on the way to work. Oh all while having more water... I feel the best when i'm completely hydrated.

    Like I said, I dont know if thats brain food but thats what makes me feel good in the morning.  

  7. Well, apples are defineitly good for your health. Fruits in the morning are good for you. But I think you're doing just fine. You can ask your doctor.

  8. I think the eggs and toast is a better option. Eggs are extremely high in protein which will give you lasting energy throughout the day, or at least until lunch. With the toast, you will still get a healthful serving of grains.

  9. it is good to have a big breakfast that support all th food groups like you could have a nutrious cereal and milk so you get dairy and fiber and eggs are always good and orange juice and you have a nutrcious breakfast. hope i could help!


  10. EGGS are the best breakfast you can have, BTW, most food goes to your brain, thats why they call it brain food. Also, fresh O.J is good. Milk is good right after a work out. Good luck in school and kudos for trying to be prepared, i can tell you'll go far in life ;)  

  11. still have cereal but make it healthy and add some juice and a cup of fresh fruit

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