
What is a parasychologist? Where do they work? Who pays them?

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What is a parasychologist? Where do they work? Who pays them?




  1. I didn't know there was a Duke University in California.I know the one in North Carolina doesn't have a parapsychology Dept.Few if any have one.Because it's all a bunch of silliness.It's basically a hobby.None get paid very much.Unless they find a mark or sucker to buy into their foofwraw.

  2. A parapsychologist is a scientist that studies exceptional human abilities.  Several work for research institutes (like SRI where the classified work on Remote Viewing was conducted). Several work for universities, although their primary jobs are usually something else like psychology or neuroscience.

    For more information on parapsychology I suggest you check out the web site for the Parapsychological Association which has been an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science since 1969.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  3. Someone who studies the paranormal.  No one hires them, no one pays them, because you can't get an actual degree in that from an accredited institution in America.  It's a joke job.

  4. Well, this is more of a type of hobby than anything else.   I really doubt that there are any real credible scientist that study in this field.  

    But my understanding is that they study any kind of so called paranormal phenomena such as ghost,  EVP, telekinesis,etc.

    I think most "paranormal " investigators, just kind of do it as a hobby, and you can pretty much learn all there is to know about this field in an extremely short period of time.   The people who do call themselves parapsychologist, really have very limited training, because it is just not available.  There are some degree mills out there, but this would not be very credible training.

    Some of them are paid, by working on TV reality shows, etc.  but this number would be very limited.   I really doubt that any major universities employ people in this field, because the field is not really based upon scientific principles, etc.

    Also, you could probably write stories, and send them into publications that cater to this type of material.

    But for the most part it is just a hobby, where it is impossible to get any true evidence.

  5. A Parapsychologist is a person who works with the dimensions outside normal physical and conscious  established science.In the area of Extra-sensory Perception. To perceive this way, means to pick up info from non-earth phenomena. I am a self taught Para psychologist. I am not paid, but do this as a hobby, and have done so for about 30 years.I believe some are paid. I would check with Duke University in California, as they carry out quite a bit of this work.

  6. ACTUALLY THESE PEEOPLE DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT IN GENERAL.  There are many universities and some very prestigious ones that yes DO offer a degree in this.  Often they have a second degree with it like science or psychology ect depending on what they wanna do specifically.  And while it trues there arent many paying jobs in the industry there are a few thousand who are paid in the industry.  Including some famous ones making $millions (mainly on tv ect) and they can still work another job with there other science and do parapsychology stuff part time


  8. A parapsychologist is a person who explores such phenomena as ESP, telepathy, psychokinesis, and other "paranormal" subjects.  Many scientists reject the notion that parapsychology even merits respect as a true science.

    To date there have been no reported phenomena discovered by "parapsychologists" which have been substantiated via the use of the scientific method that has produced any theories available to critical review in support of the existance of the phenomena claimed by the proponents of parapsychology.

      Most parapsychologists are part-time free-lancers who must support their own research as nothing more than a past-time or hobby.  The only full-time parapsychologists are usually found under the pay of college grants--but if your looking for a job in the field be advised PEAR (one of the largest college grant supported paranormal investigation groups) just closed it's doors after 28 years, with nothing substantial in the way of scientific findings to report.

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