
What is a partial birth abortion? (just curious)

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What is a partial birth abortion? (just curious)




  1. It when a woman is in her third trimester and labor is induced.  When the baby's head comes out, just before the chest cavity (before the baby's first breath) the baby is killed with an instrument by the doctor by crushing its skull.

    It is a deplorable way to rid oneself of pregnancy.  A better alternative is to give the child up for adopiton or to simply use birth control to prevent the unwanted pregnancy in the first place.

  2. "Partial birth abortion" is actually a constructed term which usually refers to a Dilation and Extraction (D&X) procedure.  

    In a D&X, a Woman within her second trimester is induced and dilated.  Clamps are introduced to pull the fetal body feet first into the birth canal.  Another instrument is introduced to puncture a hole in the fetal cranial cavity and a suction hose is then inserted to remove any fluid and tissue.  Without this step, the fetal head is often too large to be safely delivered through the cervix.  After the head is small enough to fit through the cervix, the entire body is delivered.

    Yes, this sounds horrible.  BUT, what everyone needs to understand is that this procedure WAS only used in a few specific instances.  Most often in cases of severe hydroencephaly.  With this condition, the fetal cranial cavity fills with fluid and swells to three to four times its usual size.  Usually, there is little to no gray matter development which means the fetus never develops a brain.  With the head so large, it cannot safely be delivered through the cervix without harming the Woman or putting her life in jeopardy.  

    This procedure was only used in cases where there was no chance of a healthy fetus being born.  These were tragic cases where the Women wanted to have a child and something went very wrong.  Also, because testing is typically only reliable when the pregnancy has progressed to a later stage, there was no way for the Woman to know of the deformity before the second or third trimester.  

    This procedure, while not pretty, was needed in many rare cases to preserve the health of the Woman.  

    But, since it became politicized and politicians don't want to hear the truth from actual doctors, Women with doomed pregnancies now have to rely on riskier procedures which put their health and life in jeopardy.



  3. it's pretty blood awful that's what it is.

    i started to write what it is and how they do it - but it makes me sick to even think about it - so google it.

    edit -Jen Smith is sadly mistaken.  see

  4. Quite honestly, it is murder.

    The only reason why this is not legally murder, is because the doctor makes sure that the baby's head is still inside the mother before he kills the baby.  If the head is inside the mother, the baby is not considered to be born yet.  Ridiculous isn't it.  

  5. Jenn_Smith gave you a pretty good describtion of the procedure or how it was previously performed in the U.S.  The thing with it is that no normal woman goes to a doctor at that stage of her pregnancy and has a partial birth abortion for the fun of it... there are mayor reasons for this procedure to be performed (mayor congenital defects - and, no, you can't adopt these children - they usually have barely a brain-stem developed).

  6. When a women kills her baby in the 3rd trimester by smashing it skull.

    Just plan out horrible!

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