
What is a p***s used for?

by  |  earlier

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Is it just for peeing?




  1. I use mine as a sun dial when I'm at the beach. I have to be home before 6" o c o c k.

  2. as a substitute for a banana

  3. It is used as a joystick for your PS.

    come on, what kind of Q is this?

  4. s*x,& peeing.

  5. Its for modeling.

  6. Reproducing and Peeing.

  7. A p***s is to continue life.

  8. It so you can perfect your art of writing your name in the snow lol

  9. yes a p***s is used for peeing to get out the fluid in yur body to make more but it is also the way that man & women make children, so itas rlly important in life if we wanna keep humans alive. plus releaving yur tension in yur p***s is a rlly good feeling(:

  10. s*x

  11. <> s*x.

    <> Masturbating for pleasure.

    <> Giving sperm to feamles to make babies.

    <> Urinating.

    Can anyone answer mine? Please.

  12. I use mine as a battering ram to knock down castle doors...

  13. For guys to realise what "pleasure" means...

  14. Poking peoples eyes out

  15. a flap to keep the dust out of your butt crack

  16. Hi, Its used for s*x for reproduction... and urinating too. oh my, god!

  17. cutting down trees

  18. finding nintendo ds's

  19. s*x s*x s*x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. you write with it

  21. p***s's are good for 3 things




  22. O que la! What is a p***s used for? !sta loco! Your either too young, or the dumbest guy I ever met.

    Well since you asked.

    Other than peeing, the p***s is used for reproduction (and/or s*x). To make a long story short, wht happens when you have s*x (or m********e) is you will produce an erection. Enventually, you will reach a point where your d1ck gets so hard and you get so sexually excited, that you will wht it called ejaculate. This means that sperm will leave your body from your balls, through your d**k in a liquird substance called s***n. This is wht get girls pregnant. the s***n (edit - my bad I mean sperm, s***n carries the sperm) fertilizes a girl's egg. And that egg will grow in to a baby.

    Im guessing next your going to ask why guys have nuts. Well, a good nickname is "family jewels" thats the baby maker dude, that holds the sperm. So dont get kick there or elese you may kill your sperm lol. (plus it will hurt so f#cking bad)

    This is the way to look at it. When your d**k is pointing down, the passage goes up to the bladder, when its up (in erection) its a passage from your nuts.

    Ok, hope this explains it. Take a s*x education class man, and all this will make sense.

    edit - PS if you really want to see, ask wht m********e means, do that, than you will "go holy s**t!! That whts it for!!"

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