
What is a perennial?

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What is a perennial?




  1. A perennial is a plant which lives for more than one year, usually many years.  They generally include trees and hardy bushes and shrubs.  Some flowers, like chrysanthemums, will persist for years if grown and cared for properly.  The word perennial is derived from the Latin words "per + annus" = through + year.  This is as opposed to an annual which lives a year and then dies.  Most of the flowers which people plant each year in their gardens are annuals.

  2. A perennial is used to describe a plant that can live and survive for more than a year. This plant is usually a tree, shrub, and other herbaceous plants.

  3. A 'perrenial' is a plant that grows for more than one year. It may flower the first year, or may not flower until the second or even later years. An 'annual', flowers , produces seed and dies in one year. A 'bienniel' grows the first year, and the second year flowers, produces seed and dies.

  4. generally the plant will die back in the winter and have new growth in the spring.  It must live more than two years.  Some live just a few years, and some live for thousands (trees)

    If the plant lived for two years it would be a biennial which produces only leaves it's first year but the second year it will make it's flowers for purposes of reproduction.

    a shorter life span than that would be an annual, which does all it's living, from seed until it makes flowers and produces it's own seed, which it hopes will fall to the ground to make new baby plants.

  5. This is a great question.  I dont have an answer, but I think it's  a great question.  I think its a plant that grows only once a year....probably in spring.
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