
What is a persuasive speech i can do about the Earth liberation Front?

by Guest32810  |  earlier

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my teacher says i have to take a political stand on the issue and it has to be something that they aren't already fighting so im not preaching to the choir.




  1. People of earth have always suffered hardships, but unlike the past, there is much more we can do to correct them.

    However, resorting to any form of terrorism doesn’t aid the cause, if anything it can only worsen it.

    True crusaders of earth would not put others including themselves in danger.  And considering the times we live in, who wants to be associated with terrorism in the first place?

    Not to mention, with the Patriot Act… Anyone remotely doing any activity remotely resembling an act of the ELF can be incarcerated, and held without trial in Guantanamo Bay and if waterboarding sounds appealing… go set a trash can on fire, cut a fence break a window… at the wrong place…  trying to make a statement and see what hellish nightmare you’ll invite to yourself and your family.

    We need people to support eco-friendly causes, but eco-terrorism is clearly not the solution and never will be.

    Your heart may be in the right place, but your brain isn’t.  Anyone this devoted to the causes of preserving the planet, saving wildlife, etc.  Do fight for what you believe, just not literally.  Do stand your ground by making YouTube videos, demonstrating, boycotting, voting, donating, recycling, planting trees, save a stray, conserve energy, blogging, reduce pollution, things like this.  But leave the terrorism stuff to terrorists so they can be wiped out, not you.

    Not sure what else to say to that, hope it’s somewhat what you were looking for.

    Good Luck

  2. These people create an unfortunate stereotype of environmentalist that the anti-enviroment people can then captitalize on.  It's the old story "tyranny from the Left begets tyranny from the Right."

  3. They are terrorists who should be rounded up and sent to Gitmo.

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