
What is a phone line filter?

by  |  earlier

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well my phone disconnects everytime sumone calls n i heard u had to get aline filter but what is that n how much does it cost?




  1. the filter you have is only designed to filter out hissing and statci with a DSL line, call your local service repair and have them run aline check it is a line issue not your phone

  2. must be loaded....

    If you have a time "call your Phone Company Provider" let them check it for you why it happen like that.

    If you used DSL. or not.

  3. they are talking about a DSL filter! You will need one an every phone-line in your house...!

    and yes, its gonna cost you, there are about 15 dollars.....and can break in you have to replace them once in a while...

  4. To be hones a filter is not going to help you. Sounds like you are having line problems. I would call 611 and have them detect the problem that is in your line.

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