
What is a phrase you never thought you would say, but now that you are a parent have?

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For example mine is, "NO! we don't eat Jesus!" as my daughter was chomping on a picture.




  1. Call me when your finish using the bathroom so i can come wipe you?

  2. "NO!  Girls can't stand up at the toilet to go potty!"

    As my daughter stood in front of the toilet with her pants down getting ready to pee, but politely asking me if it was ok first!

  3. Because I said so.

  4. I have a couple:

    We don't eat the dog's bones!

    Oh, no Connor, we don't eat snake skin!

    Yay!  Sister burped! (I find it ironic that we encourage burping when they are infants and then discourage it when they get older)!

    And I heard this one on "Reba" after Jake took Baby Jesus from his manger..."The Lord is not a toy!"  LOL.

  5. "throw your food on the ground you will get no more food"  

  6. Money doesn't grow on tree's !

    My mum always said this to us never thought i would say it to my kids !

  7. "Because!"... After explaining my reasoning 30 times, I'm sorry, but I just can't muster anything besides that one word I HATED my father using... only difference is he would never give an initial explaination, just "because I said so..."

  8. mine is: "yea!! she did poopie!" (I get excited when my 9 week old poops because she has gone a few days without pooping so I always worry she's constipated - but she's not, I hear its normal).

  9. haha. Ive done the "there are starving children in china who would be happy to eat those carrots!"  my 7 year old stepdaughter told me to send the carrots to them. smart little bugger....

  10. I scared myself when I first heard these words come out of my mouth:

    "That's not music..that's noise!"

    In response to some c**p flying out of the car radio. I sounded just like my dad!!



  11. This is a word, not a phrase.  I swore I would never, ever, ever, EVER call my child "Bubba" (very common in Texas, where I'm from) and now my 3 year old calls his brother that.  So, of course, I say it to.  I swear Connor's first word will be Bubba.  

    ETA: LOL at Lucy, yep, that's a big one for me that I forgot about.

  12. When in doubt sniff it out....meaning if we think he has a diaper that needs to be changed we do the sniff test...I know ...gross...

  13. We need to have "the talk".

  14. "Because I said so..." and "You want me to give you something to cry about?" I used to hate those 2 when I was a kid and I gotta say it now... also and the "1....2............ 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  15. Im gonna give you a reason to cry!!

  16. "Is it normal to see chunks of food in poo?"

    Sorry, I know it's graphic, but yes, I've said it quite a few times, to different people to make sure that my son was okay.  LOL

  17. "because I said so"  and "oh my god your sister just ate a stink bug!"

    once when my youngest was about 1.5 she dropped her food outside and bent over and picked it up and ate it before I could get to her,  it was right by her food and she did not notice when she picked it up LOL It was sooo gross.

  18. Oh my - there are a lot of them:

    "Just wait until your father gets home"

    "...because I said so"

    "There are starving kids in Africa who would love to have your dinner"

  19. funny

    mine is "stop playing with all the drawers"

    "flush the freaking toilet"

  20. I am not yet a father but I have babysat for years (I'm 17).

    "Because I said so."

    "Stop l*****g the dog!"

    "No, p**p is not finger paint!"

    "NO NO NO NO NO, that yellow snow is not ice cream!"

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