
What is a physical feature of the opposite s*x that would turn you off? ?

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I don't like curly blond hair! :) or really hairy hands!





  1. really thin skeleton bodies....

    nuthin really in particular . i love all my girls!!!!

  2. There's nothing physical about the opposite s*x that I can't tolerate.

  3. Smoking,Drinking

    and weave ( pick long hair or short hair, NO weave)

    Bad odor

  4. bad teeth( Buttery, not straight, gold teeth(grills) ETC), a LOT of acne, bald, dirty finger nails, short( im all ready short), bad odor, dress unprofessional ( baggy pants, long t-shirts, gold chains.etc)

  5. I don't like anything except brown hair, brown eyes, pink dresses, and white hats.  And they have to have 4 tattoos.

    Welllll whatdya know?...

  6. adams apple.  

  7. short legs...I like my men to be tall


  9. tall nails, bad odor, hairy underarm/hand/legs, bad teeth, BIG BIG b***s.

  10. dirty nails, bad breath, body odor

  11. Nose hair.........Eeeww.....x

  12. A third boob or extra fingers or toes would likely be awkward

  13. I don't like short men at all.

  14. small b***s

  15. back hair

  16. Pink dresses and hat's , pmsl

    Sorry only joking.

    Someone who doesn't like a laugh and poor personal hygiene, I can tell you have excellent personal hygiene and I'm about to find out if you have a sense of humour,lol.x

  17. If you got messed up teeth you don't have a chance with me.  Body odor and nasty feet mess it up for me too.  

  18. [over weight] alittle thick is ok but not too fat

    yellow teeth


    rough hands

    ugly feet

    hairy face

    shorter than 5'6

  19. man b***s  

  20. Bushy eyebrows, or sliver lips! Blehh! Something about a man with thin lips is way creepy with me. Gotta love those full lips! lol

    And no caterpillars! Nuff said. lol

  21. bad teeth and acne


  22. being overweight  

  23. I don't like guys who have bad skin and dark color. I also don't like guys who are fat.

  24. too tall, don;t like women that are taller than me, and to be honest, if a woman has more muscles than i do i first want to check her panties to make sure she doesn't have a tree stump in there, lol

  25. hairy back, stinky body odor, baldness

  26. Hi Skylar,  I don't like mens hands that look like womens, skinny blokes, bad toes and feet, blond hair, big ears, no bum, god now wonder i will never find a fellow!!!!!! lol xx

  27. her having a stomach that sticks out farther than her b***s.  

  28. If her teeth ain't white and right she ain't right.

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