
What is a physical like for a 14 year-old girl?

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I'm going into the doctors for a sport physical because I have to get checked before this soccer camp. On the sheet it just asks the doctors about past injuries and acl/mcl tears. Do they check *down there*? Are there going to be any awkward moments??




  1. they just cheek height, weight, blood pressure, and ask you some basic questions. my doctors DO NOT check down there, and i dont think they should cause you're not going to a gynocologist. all of this differs on where you live, who your doctor is, and what your school you go to.

  2. i just got a physical last year in order to try out for my schools soccer team.

    they didnt touch me "down there" but it was a girl doctor (and i think it always will be for us girls) the only thing that she did was have me pull my shirt way up like to my armpits and then she pulled up on the cups of my bra to feel my b***s. it was really quick, maybe five seconds. and it wasnt crazy or anything my mom was in the room with me and its not like i had to reveal any "parts" haha. but i had a sports bra on so it might be a bit more revealing if you just have a plain one on.

    oh, by the way im thirteen(:

  3. they do not give you a pap which is touching down there, but they will ask you if your sexually active, if your worried about your parents being in the room some doctors ask them to leave for that part (but they don't have to as your guardian they have the right to be in the room at all times) but if you are sexually active in anyway beyond kissing say yes there will be follow up questions but it will better for you in the long wrong if there is a problem. (I hope your not 14 is too young:-)

  4. they do for guys but idk about girls

  5. lol. acl/mcl are like, torn ligaments in your arms and legs. I know that because I'm a wrestling fan and they talk about that stuff, plus I have friends in athletics.

  6. They check but it's just a quick "spread eagle" nothing more than 3 seconds. Not awkward, just a bit "liberating".

  7. When I had my physicals for sports, they never checked down there! There was never any awkward moments.  It was like check reflexes, throat, nose, ears, heart.

  8. height, weight, vital signs, past medical history, review of meds, physical exam -look at the form the doctor has to fill out for more info.

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