
What is a physical object (that you can touch) that is not made out of agriculture's related things?

by  |  earlier

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something that is not made out of animals or trees but is a physical object that you can touch




  1. all things come from the earth. some are grown and some are mined.  and dont forget oil and water.

    in conclusion

    all WEALTH comes from the earth.

  2. Reach out and touch a raindrop.

    It's the only reason anything

    argriculture-related even exists.

  3. Lemme see....

    As a start, Chicken McNuggets, Velveeta Cheese, and various parts of Pamela Anderson's frontal anatomy.

  4. I could name a bunch you can touch water, the air,plastic, mosto of the elements we can touch. but i see your point it is a challangeing question because we are so dependent on farmers.

  5. coal

  6. anything mineral or metal .

  7. Anything made of metal or water

  8. a gold nugget that is classed as mineing not agricultres or myself. ha ha

  9. How about a safety pin?

  10. A basketball rim. A football goal.

  11. oil, anything metal, plastic

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