
What is a pin number?

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What is a pin number?




  1. A numeric password that could be associated with many things, e.g. credit cards may have a PIN which is required to authorise a transaction, SIM cards also may have a PIN, required to use the SIM services, ...

  2. A PIN numbe is what's known as a Personal Identification Number, a number that generally only you should know. It is used in many an application these days. Often for safeguarding a mobile handset from other people. Also its the same principle as your credit/debit card, you need to enter a PIN to be able to use it so no one else can.

    Since your answer is in the mobile section, have you locked your phone by accident? If so, refer to your manual as if you've not changed the factory set PIN in the phone then it should give you the code to enter. Don't guess too many times as it will lock you out after too many wrong attempts
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