
What is a podcast, how do you subscribe to one, do you have to pay, and how do I use them?

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Also, where do I find a podcast? 10 points!




  1. No need to offer points. We answer because it's fun.

    To answer your questions in order:

    1. A podcast is a show with episodes.

    2. Sometimes you have to pay.  Often you don't. It will be obvious.

    3. You can listen or watch directly on your computer, or put it on a player to take with you. Ipod is an example of a player.  If you subscribe, you'll get new episodes automatically. To subscribe, you need a free program like itunes or juice, or "My Yahoo". The first two will grab and hold the new episodes until you are ready to check for them. "My Yahoo" can be set up to email you when a new episode comes out.

    4. There are several ways to find a podcast. You can go to a search engine and type in your favorite topic plus the word podcast. You'll be taken to websites that will have all the instructions to listen or subscribe.  Or, since many podcasters list on itunes, you can go there and browse your favorite networks, like PBS.


  2. A podcast is a series of digital-media files which are distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and computers. The term podcast, like broadcast, can refer either to the series of content itself or to the method by which it is syndicated; the latter is also called podcasting. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster.

    Press the subsribe button. You don't have to pay for most of them. You can find a podcast on Itunes, most of them are free!

  3. Download iTunes and click on iTunes store, from there you can search a phrase in the top right corner or just click on the podcast  on the left hand side and search from there.

    I think all podcast are free.

  4. you have to go to itunes or download one it a type of music or videos with new of stuff or mini shows ok some you dont have to pay and if in itunes then you just have to right clikc the podcast and press subscribe ok good luck bye

  5. a podcast is the method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio or video programs, over the Internet using syndication feeds.  To subscribe to one you can usually just hit a button that says subscribe on either itunes or yahoo etc.  Or there will be a rss feed button and you can click that and save the podcast to your computer.  Podcasts are free.  To use one you find a podcast site or the site that the podcast is on and you can view it from there or just subscribe to it.  You can also make your own podcast on sites like

  6. Its a subscription to a talk radio show. (somewhat)

    its free and you subscribe via your itunes

    For example if you have a favorite morning show, they will usually have a podcast available which will automatically download to your itunes so you can listen to it when you have time.

    They also have video like "The Dog Whisperer" in mini episodes....lots of stuff to choose from just check your itunes

  7. a pod cast is a show from the Internet that you can down load to your iPod,  or Iphone, you just go to pod casts in itunes and subscribe.. Some are free  

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