
What is a polite way to ask someone to stop kicking the back of your seat?

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like on a plane or in a theater




  1. Just turn around and smile at them and (politely and nonchalantly) ask them "Hey, would you mind not kicking my chair." And if you're on a plane, you could even throw in "I'm having trouble sleeping" or something :p

    If you act like it's not really a big deal and if you're polite about it, most people (unless they're trying to be annoying) will have no problem making sure they don't do it anymore.

    Hope that helps :)

  2. Tell them to stop and give him the stink eye.

  3. Turn around and ask them nicely. I had a little kid behind me in a theater, and he couldn't sit still. I turned and asked him if he wanted to switch seats with me because I was blocking his view. I told him if we switched he wouldn't be kicking me anymore but someone else! His mother got the point and saw to it that he didn't kick anymore. The kid couldn't help it. He was too young to get it.  

  4. I often find that, on long haul flights especially, the impolite version is the best one. "Will you stop kicking my seat whilst I'm trying to get some kip!" works wonders.

  5. I usually say "kick my seat one more time and I'll kick your @$$!!!"

    It's always worked for me.

  6. Why not.... just asking for it directly, while saying 'please'? I think in most cases you'll succeed. If it's a kid with no parent around, or if the parent doesn't want to get into it, then it gets tricky and you gt play the kid's game for a while. I would almost joke around with 'em, see why they want to cause disturbance. In most cases, they just want attention, and as long as you give it to them and not show 'em that they've pissed you off or annoy you, them might soon get bored of it. That's my take.

    If... an adult does it and refuses to stop... then I'd raise my voice a lil to show that it's really bothering you, see how far they'll allow it to escalate, and then either switch seats or get flight attendant involved... hopefully they won't want to cause that much trouble.

    But in moooost cases it won't get that far ;)

  7. .......with an EVIL stare.......that's all u need

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