
What is a polite way to say, no gifts on a wedding invitation?

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We have everything that we want, but feel that many will want to bring something. I don't want to hurt anyone's feeling.




  1. Honestly, don't say anything about it at all, especially on the invitation. People will want to bring you gifts, and some guests will actually be insulted if the invitation tells them not to. It's almost like you're telling them that their gifts won't be good enough for you. Just don't do it.

    If you really really really desperately don't want gifts, tell the members of your wedding party and your parents that you don't, and get them to tell this to anyone who asks them what you want in terms of gifts. However, even doing this, you will get gifts anyway, so I would actually say it's best to just not say anything about gifts at all unless someone asks you specifically.  

  2. even if you are requesting no gifts, its still in bad taste to have anything say "gifts" on the invite.  

    Just don't register anywhere and let people in your bridal party or you immediate family know that you aren't requesting gifts.  They can pass it on by word of mouth if anyone asks.  

    But don't be surprised if you still recieve gifts or money, etc.  People will do that anyway sometimes just out of kindness.

  3. "presentation preferred" is always a classic

  4. Good luck with this, especially here.  People are going to tell you it's rude to assume that they were bringing you a gift at all... hello of course they are.  We are in the same position as you are, second marriage for both and we already have everything that we could possibly want.  What we did as a compromise, regardless of what we were advised to do, was with our save the date cards, we wrote a small personal note to each of our guests (only 36) that there presence at the wedding was all the present we wished to receive.  That our wish was for them to use any money they would have otherwise used on a gift toward their travel expenses.  We received several calls from people telling us how thoughtful this was, were we sure? And our response was YES!

    Good luck with this, I hope that your outcome is as good as ours has been.

  5. Just simply state on the invitation, "no gifts please, just the pleasure of your company is gift enough"

  6. I have always understood that gifts are not mentioned at all on the invitations. People will want to celebrate with you and even if you were to put "no gifts", you will get them anyway.

    We felt the same way and were not even planning to do any registries, but as soon as the invitations went out, people started calling asking where we were registered.  We finally decided that maybe new towels or bed linens or matching dishes might be nice so we registered a few things at Target, WalMart, and Penney's just so we could tell people who called that we were registered there.

  7. At the bottom on your wedding invites inlclude

    During the reccission we have decieded we will not be accepting any gifts. Please save your energy and gas.   However enevlopes will be available for cash, checks, or  gift certifactes

  8. "The only gift we require is your presence."

    Or something equally as cheese :]

    Good luck on your wedding.  

  9. Even if you ask people to not give you gifts, you will end up with some.  So maybe you could have it set up where people could give to a charity of your choice or give towards the honeymoon.  If you don't like those ideas, maybe yall should figure out a few things you wouldn't mind having that way the people that are going to bring a gift regardless will get you something you could use.  Perhaps new sheets or picture frames for your wedding pics.  Still try to get the word out there through your parents and close friends that you would prefer no gifts.

  10. Even if your entire invitation consists of the date, time, location and in big letters: DO NOT BRING GIFTS! ALL GIFTS WILL BE BURNED AND YOU WILL BE TURNED AWAY AT THE DOOR!!

    People will still bring you gifts. You can add something like "No gifts required. Your presence IS our gift." But prepare to receive them anyway.

    Good luck and congratulations!

  11. How about saying you want people to donate to a certain charity, rather than giving you a wedding present? Choose a charity close to you, then people will know that it's what you really want.

  12. I had an invitation say   " In lieu of a gift, please make a donation to ( some charity) was cool.  

  13. A good friend of mine recently got married and she and her husband put a statement about this on their invitation.  Depending on the style of your invite, you can include it as an enclosure or print it on the invite.  Here's (roughly) how they phrased it:

    "Presents:  We already have a house full of everything we need, so please, your presence at our wedding and your good wishes are enough."

    They included a line about if people wanted to give them a gift, a handmade present would be wonderful (like knitting them socks), but their invite was really informal.  I'm not sure that would work so well on a formal invite.  

  14. my boss is really rich and him and his new wife didnt want gifts at their wedding. on the invitation it said something like "Your presence is our gift"

    also tell a few people why and let the word of mouth spread your reasons

  15. "The honor of your presence is the only gift we need."


    "Having you with us to share in this wonderful day is all that we ask of you. No other gift is necessary."


    "We want nothing more than to celebrate our love with our treasured friends and family. Please, no gifts."

  16. well even if you write that people will want to give something.  Most will ignore your request. So instead, how about you ask for a donation to be amde in your name to a certain charity.  You can gvie the charity information on a seperate card inside the invite.  

  17. i know someone, who celebrated her 18th birthday, and neither wanted any gifts. What she did was, picked an orphanage, imprinted the bank account number on the invitations, and inscribed something like " all those who wanted to give me gifts, you may deposit the amount on this bank account number for the benefit of the orphans at_____orphanage" . Twas cool.

  18. It's really improper for you to mention anything about gifts on the invitation.  The only way to do this is by word of mouth if someone asks.

    You will still have people who will want to bring a gift.  Just accept them in the spirit they're given and remember to send a thank you note.

    Good luck.

  19. 'We look forward to seeing you at our wedding. Please make your gift in the name of one of the following charities.......'.

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