
What is a pooliee? i know it has to do with the USMC

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I have a friend that is part of the USMC and he just told me that now he became a pooliee. what does that mean?




  1. It means that he's in the Marine Corps DEP.

  2. He joined the DEP(Delayed Entry Program) and now is waiting to go to boot camp.

  3. The above answers are generally correct, however I would add that you can be in delayed enlistment and not be a poolie. Poolie's go to reserve duty and get paid. Delayed enlistment means you don't go to boot camp until up to a year later and you do not get paid while you wait. It does count, though, as enlistment time so you can get out after 5 years instead of 6 because of 1 year delayed entry.

  4. It simply means he has enlisted into the USMC and is awaiting his day to leave for boot camp..

    Poolees participate in activities with their recruiter on weekends and do other c**p they ask you to do..Its just a way for him to learn some basic USMC stuff before he leaves.

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