
What is a poser??

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What is a poser??




  1. Kids from the burbs acting Ghetto.

  2. someone who is trying to imitate another character but can not and does not know anything about being that individual! Ex. Emo kids thinking they know how to be an emo kid!

  3. A showoff

  4. A poser is a wannabe and basically a person who tries to be something he isn't

  5. Someone who doesnt shows who she really are.

  6. A pretentious person is a poseur.

    A poser can be:

    A person who sits as a model for a picture.

    A person who asks a question.

    A difficult question. (idiomatic)

  7. Someone trying to be something he or she is not.

    Ex: a kid who wears skateboard brand clothes but does not konw how to skate.

  8. A "poser" is someone who imitates, or poses, to be similar to something or someone else they are not.
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