
What is a potato eye?

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Could I go anywhere to see a picture of one?




  1. Let a potato sit around and it will grow sprouts out of the little divots  I planted whole potatoes that had sprouted and I grew some baby potatoes. In fact when I open bell peppers I throw the seeds in the garden and they grow.

  2. um. look at any potato. see  the dots on it that look like scabby holes or EYES? those are potato eyes. um yeah...

  3. The potato "eyes" are new roots beginning to grow from the potato.

  4. potato eyes are like the areas in a potato where plants come out of instead of seeds...

    farmers cut up potatoes and plant them to yah... you know

    have you ever left a raw potato out and then see leaves and soon stalks coming out of it?

    let me see if i can get u a url...

    a really funny though:

  5. when you look at a potato, those little white things growing from it are the eyes.

    Just pick them off before you wash the potato.

    They really freak out my sister its pretty funny. lol.

  6. It is the beginning of a potato starting to grow roots. a potato is the bulb part of the plant that grows underground. Old timers call it potato eyes. you can type in potato eyes pictures in the search box and you can find all sorts of pictures.

  7. The eyes of a potato is the little spots you see when looking at the skin or peel of a potato. If you cut a potato up and plant it ...the eye is what germinates into a new potato plant or the roots of a new potato plant.

  8. it's the little pit that potatoes sprout from.

  9. Pick me!  I have my "eyes" on you!

    Wow...2 thumbs down?  I showed him the picture...GMAB.

  10. an eye of a potato is  the place where a sprout starts sprouting..
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