
What is a power surge????

by Guest21193  |  earlier

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can anyone tell me what a power surge is? also, today im getting an xbox 360 can anyone tell me if i can send it back if it brakes?




  1. if it breaks after the warranty can only cry...

    power surge is when the power is exceed the limit...120V in USA

  2. A power surge is when the electircity outputs a higher voltage than the appliances are made to take, you can protect your appliances by buying a surge protection extension plug which shuts down in the event of a surge therefore protecting your equipment, you will have to check the warranty/quaranty regarding your xbox.

  3. regarding the 360, check youtube cos there are alot of 'answers' of how to fix your 360, includes EVERYTHING from hitting it to using a hot flame ...

    hope this helps,


  4. If you are a lady approaching menopausal age, it is a hot flush!

  5. A power surge is a giant amount of power going into your system. The result can be to the extent that it cannot handle it so it overheats so hard that it explodes or catches fire.

  6. You could have a lightening strike in your area that could go through your electrical system.  It may overload your system and burn out its primary components.  Anyone with a computer or other high-tech system should use a surge protector.  It is a great deal cheaper in the long run.

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