
What is a proper gift to give a coworker who has just been fired after 27 years?

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What is a proper gift to give a coworker who has just been fired after 27 years?




  1. Why not a houseplant? Orchids are beautiful and require little care.

  2. Their pink slip, in a nice frame.

  3. A bottle of Jack Daniels and a box of Kleenex...WoW! How sad to be "let go" after 27 years. :(

    Wish them luck for me!

  4. If you don't think they would be offended, I think a gift card to Target or Wal-Mart would be appreciated.  

  5. A CD of the song "Get a hair cut and get a real job, clean your act up and don't be a slob" lol JK I hope that losing his job wasn't to traumatic for him, hopefully he can find other work

  6. their job back? idk..... tell them they can use you as a reference.

    remember, no one died... just a door closed and another opened.

  7. A lovely presentation book of some kind -- reflecting the person's interests -- with an inscription and the signatures of his/her colleagues. This will be something to look at from time to time, remembering old acquaintances and happier days. This may be this unfortunate person's last job and it's good to have a tangible memento.

  8. Sounds like you think whatever their firing was over was unfair to your former co worker.  I would give them a goodbye card and a gift card for something.  If you two talked, give him/her your number so you can still communicate and tell them that if they are ready, you will send any job opportunities you know about their way.  I'm sorry this happened to them!

  9. Starburst fruit chews.  Everybody loves 'em.

  10. take him/her out to dinner. or a restaurant gift card. so eating won't be something they have to worry about while pinching the last of their pennies.

  11. Nothing that can be used as a weapon

  12. If you feel they were wrongfully terminated, then give them a letter of recommendation so they can find a new job :) If you were good friends, keep in touch - if not, just wish them well and hope you're not next!

    Best Regards,


  13. an empty can.

  14. The only thing to give someone who has worked in the same place for 27 years is a straightjacket.

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