
What is a puppy mill,?

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i am 14 years old and i always here people talking bout how bad a puppy mill is... can someone explane to me what gos on in a puppy mill? and please dont be rude,




  1. G Q (good Question).

    A puppy mill:

    A place were a ordinary (cruel to dogs) person buys a dog as a puppy, and as soon as the pup is on breeding age they mate, mate, mate, and mate. Then the dog has puppys. They cram the puppys in one small crate and leave them there, with dirty food and water. And the mother and father keep breeding and breeding and breeding. And all the owner does is watch and sell to petstores, or anywhere else he can get money from. Then he gets new dogs and does the same thing. It is illegal. BYB's are bad too.

  2. It's hard to describe a puppy mill.  Just know that they are dirty nasty places that keep dogs confined in a small area for the sole purpose of breeding.  They don't even get out of their cages for excercise and recieve no kind of human interaction.  If you go online you can probably find a picture.  Utimately the puppies are usually emotionally scared forever and permanently traumatized and often don't make good pets.

  3. a puppy miill is when dogs are bred and kept confined, and are bred by people that only are interested in cash, not breading strong stock, U should never get a puppy mill puppy they are more likely to have problems, including behavior, and genetics

  4. A puppy mill is a generic sort of way of explaining all over the place unplanned breeding in not so great conditions.

    I heard of one in Sydney's western suburbs that was shut down by the RSPCA and it was basically a warehouse with dogs some in crates some in fenced off areas sleeping on blankets on the cement and in their own mess with fleas and untreated for worms breeding over and over and over (think of all those cute little pet shop mixed breeds like maltese and poodle  cross or Chihuahua cross  etc  or pet shop 'pure breeds' that don't have papers with bloodlines.

    But it could also be a home operation with someone breeding repetitively with no regard for the animals welfare to make profit selling to pet shops.

  5. I think it's like a sweat shop for dogs where they work dogs into turning a mill.   I think I heard about them on CNN.  

  6. Puppy mills are large overcrowded breeding facilities that often supply many pet stores. Not to mention they ship their pups. Those two factors go to show how much they are focused on the money part of breeding, rather than carefully matching the owner with the right puppy. Many conditions in pupply mills are simply unnacceptable. They are ushually kept in filthy conditions, related dogs of a different s*x are thoughtlessly thrown in the same cage together resulting in inbred,and most always deformed and/or unhealthy puppies. And they feed the breeder dogs the cheapest food possible like for instance ol roy,beneful,and store brands. Which ever is dirt cheap they'll feed it.

  7. a puppy mill is a large scale commercial breeder that supplies pet stores, dog's are bred as soon as they are able to give birth and care is kept at a minimum to reduce overhead costs. Dogs are only worth as much as what they can be sold for. There is no regard for breed lines, health, genetic or behavioral issues.

    puppy mill - Google Image Search

  8. A puppy mill is a completely disgusting and cruel place where people use dogs for no reason other than breeding. Usually the dogs never get let out of their cages, get very poor sourced of food and water, and are not at all properly taken care of. A lot of inbreeding goes on causing mentally retarded puppies. Its really sad. They sometimes are never allowed in a house and are in stacked cages kept outside where their only way to exercise is usually a dog-sized hamster wheel that they run on maybe once a day. They are abused and mistreated and used only for profit.  

  9. a puppy mill is where a "breeder" breeds dogs. like pedigrees, etc. and they do it for profit. they force a female dog into heat (to get her pregnant) through hormones and other means. once she is and gives birth, they take the puppies away so she can have more. they do this over and over again, until she can no longer have any more puppies. then they just throw her away. the puppies can die because they don't have the mother there.

    they live in unsanitary conditions and do not recieve adequate water or food.

    they are bad because they are a form of animal cruelty.

    it really is horrible.  

    you can google puppy mills for more information, for the controversy and how to get involved to stop it.

  10. A puppy mill is a place that breeds dogs just for profit. These dogs are not treated as pets, they are objects. These dogs are often kept in small cages for their entire lives, recieve no veterinary care, and no affection from humans. The Cages are dirty and the dogs basically live in their own urine and f***s. Their sole purpose is to breed until they are simply too old, then they are disposed of (killed, and not humanely) because they are of no use anymore to the mill owner. The puppies are often inbred, sickly, sold to petstores and then to their new homes where the new owner has no idea where the puppy really came from.

    Here are some videos that show puppy mills:

    ***No responsible breeder would ever sell their puppies to a pet store***

  11. Read this website and watch the video.

    WARNING-the things you'll see will shock you. only watch if your strong enough to.
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