
What is a purity ring?

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Yeah, what exactly is that? What does it mean? I think it means that your partner and you vow to stay pure and not have s*x until marriage, is that what it means?




  1. Yes, that is what it means. I personally have one and I've had it since I was 13. it basically is a promise to yourself that you won't have s*x until marraige. I have it because of my values and my religion. I'm Roman Catholic and we believe strongly in it. Many people disagree, but I personally think it's great.

    It deosn't necessarily mean you stay pure WITH someone, you just won't have s*x until you are legally and religiously married. It's something lots of people are doing now.

  2. my dad gave me mine it is for you promising not to have s*x till you are married and in love

  3. yeah u got it right

  4. My mom and I call it a "reminder ring" basically she gave this ring to me to remind me not to have s*x until I am in total love. Some people say it is until marriage others just for love. It is A very good thing too.

  5. I had a ring like this. It was a promise that I had to make my dad and tell him that I would not have s*x or any sexual contact with a man until I was married. My dad wanted to be able to give a pure and untouched daughter to a guy he approved of. Many father's give this ring to their daughter's for the sake of being safe and pure.

  6. My daughter, 16, has one.  It is a promise that she has made to herself and God that she will not enter into a sexual relationship with any man except her husband.  She gets lots of comments; most are positive, but some of her friends can't believe that she is willing to wait.  It is also a great reminder to any guy that she is with that she has taken a stand.  She also knows a couple of guys that wear them!

  7. It's a marketing ploy. Just another teen fad gimmick to make money off of Christian teens. There is nothing in Christianity that says you must have a purity ring to prove you're a virgin or to promise you'll stay a virgin.

    It's a load of c**p.
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