
What is a quality education?

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What is a quality education?




  1. Quality education is teaching the skills and tools that are needed to build a comprehensive foundation of  knowledge that is meaningful to the student through learning so that one can perform tasks proficiently and to a high standard.

    to achieve this a shift from the traditional model of teaching is needed. assessments need to be designed to reflect a students strengths and weaknesses that are guided by strategic objectives and be used to facilitate improvement in areas in need rather that just recieving a grade.

    ask yourself;  is it more productive to give some one a B  rather than the student performed objective 1 to a B standard because they understood how to .............. but needed to improve their ability in ....... (these areas) to achieve an A grade. additional resources and time will be spent in these areas to improve their proficiency in performing objective 1.

    an example is some one writes a paper about something.  the result and grade of the paper would be descibed by something like: the paper recieved a B grade because, the paper was organised into an appropriate introduction, body and conclusion. paragraphing and clauses needed improvement so the information of flow were more appropriately structured this can be achieved by reviewing .... a revision on freight training sentences and arranging paragraphs need revising. grammar was inconsistent,  the correct use of semicolons and breaks need . these can be improved by doing a and b in order to achieve an A grade paper.

    notice that this method describes what they are doing, what they need to do to improve, and how they will go about doing the things they need to do to improve.

    also, it is improtant to provide plenty of "opportunities of performance" so that a student can demonstarte their ability in perfoming tasks.

    this method encourages students to demonstrate their ability in perfoming tasks in the hope of learning how to be better than what they are in the performance of task they attempt to do.

    the goal is to ensure that the student meets all objectives to a high standard by giving them the tools and teaching them the skills to do it rather than assuming the students ability and motivation to perform the skills to do the the task.

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