
What is a quantitive way to tell if paper chromatography is successful or not?

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  1. maybe measuring the retention factor. you could compare your RF values to literature values.

  2. You can make use of the Rf value, otherwise known as Retention Factor, to compare it with actual values of the dye. The Rf value can be calculated in this formula: Distance from start to center of substance spot (divided by) distance from start to solvent front.

    If not, you can take a look at the purity of the sample. For example, if the dye you are using for Paper Chromatography is supposed to be a pure sample, it should only leave one spot on the chromatogram. Should the dye leave two or more spots, it will show that it is an impure sample, which will also mean that your Paper Chromatography is unsuccessful, since the original dye you are using is supposed to be pure.

    Besides that, the same dye should always travel the same distance in the same solvent, thus if you see two of the same dye travelling different distances in the same solvent, it could mean that one of the dyes is contaminated, which may also give you an unsuccesful experiment.

    Hope I've helped! :)

  3. If you see a clear difference in colors in each band. For example in xanthophyll you should see a yellow to brown band of separation near the beginning.  

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