
What is a quantum of solace?

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If you took the phrase 'quantum of solace' outside of the context of the James Bond title, what does it actually mean?

What is a quantum of solace?

Or is it just complete jargon?




  1. Quantum of Solace” - or as Bond explains it - “the amount of comfort" When the other person not only makes you feel insecure but actually seems to want to destroy you, it’s obviously the end. The Quantum of Solace stands at zero.

  2. According to Ask Yahoo the answer states: “Quantum of Solace” is a small degree of comfort that can exist between two people emotionally in a relationship. The Governor character in the Ian Fleming short story of the same name defines it as “… a precise figure defining the comfort, humanity and fellow feeling required between two people for love to survive. If the quantum of solace is nil, then love is dead.”

    I can't wait for the movie to come out. Paul McCartney advised whoever was writing the theme to not even bother attempting to rhyme it.

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