
What is a quarantine?

by  |  earlier

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my trojans were quarantined, what does that mean? does it mean the viruses were deleted or something?




  1. it means that your antivirus software is blocking the trojans from the rest of your computer. they are stopping it from progressing. eventually it will be able to contain it and dispose of the virus.

    think of when a massive epidemic occurs. you have to quarantine all the sick people into one room so that they don't infect the other people. those people will have to be treated so that they can go back to their regular lives.

    it's the same thing with computer viruses. it's going to contain it and then fix it. =]

  2. a quarantine is a place where your antivirus keeps the undeleted malware... it is basically a safe where no malware gets out and wreak havoc onto your system.

  3. No, the viruses are not deleted but instead Moved the a specific area designated by your Anti-virus.

    Having viruses in your quarantine zone will not damage your computer as these files are isolated from the rest of your system.

    Normally you should delete the virus but if you sespect the file infected could be an important system file, you may want to quarantine it so if you need it in the future you can restore the file.

    Viruses in the quaratine zone can also be deleted if you have no more concerns for the file.

    Take Care.

  4. that means that the viruses are moved into a place where you can't activate them and spread infections... others call it the "virus vault"...

  5. Quarantine is where a suspected virus or spy-ware file is placed to disable it without deleting it.

    A good idea as occasionally, a non malicious file is detected as being bad.  

  6. quarantine means special antivirus database. av will keep them for some time, then wipe.
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