
What is a question I would have to ask to make you be upset enough to rant at me?

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What is a question I would have to ask to make you be upset enough to rant at me?




  1. Ha! You sound like a girl trying to find something worthy of a could.

    Say something wrong about  my  other religions

    Pick a race question...or  political' questions

  2. y u ask that?

  3. In my old age i have mellowed out a great deal and like Bob Dylan said once in a song. " The only thing they hate is hatred. "

  4. this kind

  5. Something racist.  

  6. something like "how fat are you?" or "does your boyfriend REALLY love you?" or "how can you tell the difference between a mixed colored person or a mexican?" something like that.I would be very pissed off.

  7. Well, you can ask anything you want. I can always decline to answer.

    Ranters usually feel a sense of powerlessness.  

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