
What is a quick, good way to save up for money FAST?

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I am in the sixth grade, and I am looking for some ways to earn a lot of money really fast. Impossible? I don't think so. I am sure there are some ways.

I don't really have an idea of anything I want to save up for in particular, but I just want to have enough money for the future. Like if I see something I really like, I want to have the money so I don't have to wait, and wait. I would ask my parents for some money, but I have three other sisters, and being the oldest I get.... let me think.... NOTHING! So, I have decided that I am going to do it myself.

So far, it's gone pretty well. I have bought myself the new iPhone, and a Nintendo DS with my own money. But it took forever to earn up since I was doing babysitting, dog sitting, and even tutoring. I want to stick to that stuff because I like helping people. But are there anyother methods that might be quicker???

Thanks, Sydney




  1. First off, don't listen to any of this online survey garbage.  It will get you no where.  The best thing to do is to keep it up.  You should also go to the bank and see about getting a savings account.  Once you have an account, you can buy certificates of deposit, or CDs, which will give you interest for promising to keep your money in that bank for a certain amount of time.  Talk to your parents about saving, and hopefully they can give advice more detailed than this.

  2. DONT CLICK or try to sign onto any websites for money, most are scams. There are plently of online sites to make real money, but you usually have to be 18 or older.

    I would take up odd jobs around the neighborhood. Put up a flyer at your local grocery store about how your looking for extra cash, and maybe some old lady will give you $40.00 to rake her leaves or do some other easy thing to make quick money. then stock it away in a savings account. or loan it to your parents and let them give you interest on your money. Then they will give you lets say $250.00 for that $200 you let them borrow 2 months ago... money for money, gotta love this world.

  3. A website I use is CashCrate, and it's free and pretty easy. It's safe, and they don't let any personal info out. You have to be at least 13 years to join.

    If you have any questions, go here:

    Make sure you get consent from your parents first if you're under 18 years.

  4. You're in sixth grade and wasted your money on an iphone!?!

    I really doubt that that's a necessity at your age.

    Try babysitting, you might be a little young, but if you post flyer's around town some people will call you.

  5. Savings account...

    Renitng things to your friends for a weekly fee.

    Try odd jobs for neighbors, cleaning gutters etc. painting fences... this can earn a quick buck and if you use a credit union savings account that money will earn interest, and they will actually pay you for you to keep your money with them for a while.

    Although the survey sites do make you money you do have to be 18 or older to use them.... I would stick to the cash in hand options of making money, and never click any websites they post here, unless just reference sites... money making schemes require money and time...

  6. job bank intrest nik some or just *borrow it *

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