
What is a "cere" on a budgie?

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I read you can determine their gender by what color their cere is, but i have no idea what that is.




  1. skin above their beaks

  2. The cere is the piece of skin above their beaks

    Males are usually dark blue while females can be brown, white, pink, or light purple. But be warned, it is not always a 100% sure way to s*x. The only way to be positive is to have a dna test done

  3. lok above there beak

  4. the skin on the top of its beak

    it is blue on boys

    and a browny colour for girls

  5. its there nose

  6. the fleshy area above the beak

  7. The skin above their beaks, determine the s*x once they are mature.

  8. The Cere is where their Nostrils are. You can Tell their age by their cere, and their gender too.

    Blue: Adult Male

    Pale Brown: Female

    Pink: Immature


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