
What is a "cold weather hook-up"?

by Guest44851  |  earlier

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I am taking a trip to Canada, and many of the hotels list "cold weather hook-up" as an amenity. Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but what does this mean? The only hookup I've ever heard of is for a camper, and these hotels are not camping hotels.




  1. its most likely you will see that temrinology for hotels in the Prairies... Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Regina.

    In those areas it can drop to -45C in the winter so many folks have "block heaters" in their car.  This heater keeps the engine oil warm but you need to plug them in. So cold weather hook up means they have electrical outlets in the parking lots for you to plug in your "block heater" in crazy cold winter nites.

    Mind you, you wont see such things in places like Vancouver or Toronto/Montreal as they dont get those same bone chilling temps.

  2. Our parking lots all have little outdoor electrical outlets to plug your vehicles in during winter.  Below -25C, you either have to plug in or lose the use of your car until spring.

  3. Its so you may plug in your block heater in your car, which keeps your engine oil from thickening, which obviously is not good for the engine. As well as keeping it plugged in for long periods of time is not recommended, it will make your oil dark and sludgy faster this way. A good hour in cold weather is all most cars/light trucks/vans need. A cold start causes excess wear and tear on your engine components.

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