
What is a "credit", "credit hour", "quarter" or a "quarter credit" when it comes to the college system?

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I am from England and am trying to go to college to do fashion design but don't understand all this lingo. Just trying to figure out how it all works, how long is a quarter? how many quarters am I looking at? 4 maybe? And whats a credit? How many of those are there? Do I get them for being good or what? I don't know. Could someone explain it to me please?! Thank -you!




  1. A college may be on the semester system (2 semesters per normal academic year) or the quarter system (3 quarters per normal academic year}.  I have experienced both forms of education and I prefer the quarter system, because it offers more flexibility during a school year.  As you take and pass courses, you earn credits for doing so which count toward graduation requirements.  A college handbook is a handy guide for understanding the whole procedure.  Ask for one.

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