
What is a "hamster nest"?

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I'm getting a hamster and I'm reading up on some info. In all the information I've read, they all say "hamsters like to use tissue paper to build a nest" what is a nest? Is it only for GIRL hamsters? Because I'm getting a boy. And they won't tell me. Can anyone help me? I need answers fast because I'm getting my hamster in three days!!! HELP!




  1. All hamsters will make a nest.  Just put plenty of rodent bedding in the cage (you can buy it at any pet store) and your little guy will make his own nest with it.

  2. it is where they sleep oh also you could give it an old rag to chew up to make a nest

  3. A hamster nest is what he will sleep in. Put about 5 sheets of toilet paper where your hamster will sleep, in his little hiding hut or igloo, or whatever else you have! In a few days, it will look like shredded "fluff."

  4. Just lay down the bedding an inch or a little less deep and even and let the hamster go. He will make his own nest, they want to make their own nests, they like to burrow.

  5. A hamster nest is where they sleep at night. It's comfy and it keeps them warm.

    Just bunch up some toilet paper and put it in the corner of their cage. They will figure it out, and eventually shred it. My hamster sleeps in the same corner of her cage every night. So knowing that I just stick the tissue there every time I clean out her cage.

    Since your just getting yours, just put it in a corner, any corner, and if your hamster is fine with it, he'll leave it there. If he isn't, he'll move it to another corner.

    Hope this helps!

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