
What is a "homecoming" and a "prom"?

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OK, whats a "HighSchool", "Junior" and "Senior"?




  1. In America football is like, the equivilent of "soccer" to most other countries. We just call them different names. So in America, football is the one with a brown ovalish ball.

    Prom is a formal dance that juniors and seniors go to. In Highschool,  theres Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. High School is well, school.

    And you are an idiot.

  2. r u meantal retarted

  3. Prom comes at the end of the school year, homecoming is during football season and at the beginning of the year. genrally prom is more dressy than homecoming but either way they're both really dressy. basically homecoming-beginning prom-end. (of the school year)


    A prom is held in the spring and is usually for juniors and seniors in high school. The homecoming is in the fall and a homecoming queen is crowned. Homecoming also transfers over to college when alumni get back together.


    Homecoming is in the fall, more like a back-to-school type thing. Prom is in the spring, usually reserved for juniors and seniors celebrating the end of high school.


    Homecoming is a day for school alumni, when all of the past years' graduates come back for a lot of activities and celebrations. A Prom is a class celebration to mark their successful conclusion of the school year. The only thing they have in common is that they each have a big dance party.


    Prom is a special day, and homecoming is a dance with maybe some week activities


    Well prom is at the end of the year and homecoming is at football time. Both you get dresses up for and both can be disappointing if you bring the wrong date!

  4. umm wow your lost you d**n brits ok homecoming is like a start of year dance and prom is when your a senior or year 12 as you say and junior high is a school mainly for 6-8 grade and highschool is for 9-12

    umm and you are totally wrong about football maybe thats rugby but no football is like 30 people on a feild with a ball tackling people and yah

  5. i love ur screen name


    student dance: a formal dance for high-school or college students, usually held at the end of the school year


    return to old school: the annual return to somebody's old school or college, usually at a prescribed time of year, for celebrations with other alumni

  6. homecoming is usually at the beginning of the school year. it will consist of the first football game of the year and a homecoming dance. not to formal just the first school dance.

    prom is at the end of the school year for juniors and seniors and is very formal.

  7. high school-a school attended after elementary school or junior high school and usually consisting of grades 9 or 10 through 12.

    junior-(in American universities, colleges, and schools) noting or pertaining to the class or year next below that of the senior.

    senior-(in American schools, colleges, and universities) of or pertaining to students in their final year or to their class.

    homecoming-an annual event held by a college, university, or high school for visiting alumni.

    prom-a formal dance, esp. one held by a high school or college class at the end of an academic year.

  8. It's not like football in England. American football. Two completely different things.

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