
What is a "journey to find yourself"?

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A good friend of mine has recently told me that she is on a "journey to find herself". What does she mean by this?




  1. She trying to find herself in herself, and what makes her who she is.  Its hard to explain and even harder to understand.  

  2. Well, I believe everyone who draws breath and has some level of consciousness is on this journey.  Sometimes we are more active about it, which seems to be what your friend is doing.  She is experimenting, taking new risks, pushing her horizons, and observing her reactions to it.  She is trying to learn to embrace change and roll with it, learn from life and grow into a better person.  Maybe she's writing in a journal, reading challenging new books that open the mind, or engaging people who intimidate her and interacting with them.  She could be putting herself out of her comfort zone and trying to deal with her fears.  I think any of these activities qualify as a part of the journey to find oneself.

  3. She is trying to find out who she is, what she wants, if you really want to understand yourself I would suggest trying things that the law doesn't want, but thats a matter of opinion.  After I tried MDMA, I almost can't even live with myself, life is strange.

  4. She is on a mission to discover her purpose in life. This in fact is a journey we all must take thought most of us don't frankly call it that.

    Whenever someone ask me why I was late. I respond. "I got lost on the journey of life."

  5. she is trying to find her place in the world, some people take trips to find themselves.

  6. It means that she's decided to be introspective and stop letting outside influences affect her. She wants to dig deep into her psyche  and be true to her real self not the facade she's been living under.

  7. That's pretty psychological if you ask me.

    Being on the journey to find yourself is truly another way of saying she is trying to find out who she is and how she probably fits into the world and/ or places in her life.

  8. Knowing who you are is much more than knowing your full name and favorite color. When you go out to find yourself, it's usually because you've placed walls up in your past and you're trying to find out why. It's soul searching. Looking for what really makes you happy, and learning to trust yourself and your instincts. Trying to find out what makes you... you.

  9. It means she's full of ****.

  10. We are all on a spiritual pilgrimage here on this earth.  Once we find God then we feel more at peace and the world makes sense.  Everyone is on their own journey yet we are not islands.  We can help each other out and share the peace that is Christ.  I pray you all have a good pilgrimage, you my friend are one one as well.  

  11. She is aware of what she lost she once had.

    She wants to get genuine heart which she has been forgotten.

    It is called "Mind journey".

    What a nice journey she has !!.

  12. It means she is probably going through something hard, and wants to find God. She's probably unsure of herself and the world and needs the support of friends.  

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