
What is a "land man."?

by Guest58100  |  earlier

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What exactly does a "land man," in the context of oil and gas exploration, do?




  1. With property there are many different types of ownership, and land can be sold over and over again and then they find oil on it and start drilling... a land man is a person who tries to sort out who owns the mineral rights and it is a complicated legal thing because lots of people own land with out actually owning the mineral rights to that land and the contracts go back hundreds of years.

  2. OK, just want to let you know I'm guessing.

    It may have something to do with sending sound

    waves through the earth's crust to discover

    promising areas to search for oil, or natural gas.  

    My nephew is a scientist, and that is what he does,

    although he mainly concentrates on the ocean floor.

  3. Definitions of Land Man on the Web:

        * The person who secures leases and handles damages for oil companies who are drilling new wells or laying pipelines.

  4. The person who secures leases and handles damages for oil companies who are drilling new wells or laying pipelines.

  5. its a man on land that explores and trys to strike oil.  idk.. and it also explores gas.  cant u just google it instead of wasting 5 pts????
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