
What is a "port-wine birthmark"?

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if there is such a thing? my friend said her cousin had it?




  1. a big, blotchy red or purple splotch on someone's skin

  2. I'm pretty sure that is what I have on my foot.  It is deep dilated capillaries in the skin which produce a reddish to purplish discoloration of the skin.

    Mine is shaped like Africa or a wonky heart.

  3. Just like others have said, it is a birthmark...usually of a fair size that is the color of port wine.

  4. it's a red or purple blotch and it appears on the baby in utero or shortly after birth.  You have it forever.  

    I have one about the size of a nickel on my shin, just under my knee.

    some people have them on their faces--I know dermatologists use lasers to break them up and try to remove them.  I'm not sure how successful they are at removing them.

  5. port-wine is the color of the birthmark

  6. Probably the best known port wine birthmark was on Gorbachev's forehead.

    Google an image of Mikhail Gorbachev and take a look.

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