
What is a "right" position to hold a mellophone?

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I cant seem to hold up my mellophone any longer than 5 minutes straight and so i am wondering if there is perhaps a better way to hold up the thing.




  1. the others gave great answers, so i'm not really going to repeat what they said.

    but holding up those horns isn't very easy! i play clarinet, so it's not hard for me, we don't have to lift it that much. but i have tried holding a mellophone up, and yeah......that wasn't very fun!

    i would try lifting weights or stretching or doing push ups. i know, sounds silly to work out for band, but i'm sure it'll help you in the long run.

    also, practice in front of a large mirror, to check your posture and position.

  2. it should be parralel to the ground, 90 degrees from your body, your arms should make a pyramid/triangle in front of your body with the horn at the apex of the triangle.

    for great visual examples-go watch a DCI show. every single bugle is held in this fashion.

    try practicing with your horn in the correct position all the time to build muscle memory,.........

  3. Sorry my friend... this is a test in endurance and strength training!  LOL

    It should be parallel to the ground, creating a right angle with your body.  I assume that this is for marching band... don't worry too much- by the time parades and halftime shows roll around, you will have built up some of those muscles.  Like anything else physical, it just takes time and consistant work.

    Sorry I had no secrets to offer! :)

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