
What is a "roundabout" in driving terms?!?

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What is a "roundabout" in driving terms?!?




  1. A modern roundabout is a new form of intersection control that provides safe and efficient traffic flow. It is a one-way circular intersection without traffic signal equipment in which traffic flows around a center island. It operates with yield control at the entry points, and gives priority to vehicles within the roundabout.

    General Rules for Driving a Roundabout

    Slow down upon approach to the roundabout

    Watch for traffic signs (one way and yield signs)

    Yield to pedestrians and bicyclists as you enter and exit the roundabout

    Look to the left for traffic

    Enter when it is safe

    Keep your speed low within the roundabout

    Exit carefully to your destination

  2. It is a circle where a 4 way stop could be that you drive around.

  3. Here's a link with information and a picture:

  4. In a circle?

    In Australia it's called a 'walkabout'.

    *Edit*  I realize it was a lame joke people but d**n, lighten up.

  5. A roundabout is a traffic circle, where two or more road intersect and all traffic moves in a counter clockwise (in the USA) direction.

    In some areas it is called a traffic circle, in some a roundabout and in some a rotary. All are different names for the same thing!

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