
What is a "screen" play and how to defend against it?

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Could you give me a couple examples of a screen and which downs you would use it? Also, what defense works against it? Any NFL teams known for their good screens?




  1. the other guys got the what is a screen part down, so to stop a screen either use cover 2 were the corners play the flats or QB contain where the defensive ends come around the two sides of the pocket and W8 for the ball to be thrown both those plays will shut the screen play down.....and eagles do it alot because of the speed in QB and RB plus they hav those big old linemen

  2. well there is too different screens

    a widereciver screen and a runningback screen

    the key to both is that all the blockers get in front of the runningback or widereciver when the ball is snaped, yes it leaves the QB open for a hit but thats the point, to draw all the deffenders away from the WR or RB, the QB releases the ball before getting hit

    The WR/RB just turn and wait for the pass

    To Deffened it Just Get to the WR/RB before the ball does or get to the QB quickly

  3. Why the screen?

    It is a necessity that every good offensive football team has a diversified screen package to combat today's attacking and blitzing defensive philosophies. Screens are an important element in successful offensive football for several seasons:

    1. Screens take advantage of athletic wide receivers and running backs and make defenders tackle in the open field matching the wide receivers and running backs on linebackers and safeties. 2. Screens slow the pass rush and make defensive linemen eye for screens.

    3. Screens attack zone blitz teams that give up an underneath zone in pass coverage.

    4. Screens give the offense a chance for big plays against man-to-man blitz schemes.

    The reason screens are so successful in college football is that offenses take advantage of a very important NCAA rule. In college football, offensive players are allowed to block downfield while the ball is in the air if the ball is caught behind the line of scrimmage.

    This is a major advantage to the offense because offensive players can actually pick defenders while the ball is in the air. Whether the defense is in zone or man-to-man coverage, this puts them at a tremendous disadvantage. (In the NFL, you are not allowed to block downfield while the ball is in the air regardless of where it is caught.)

  4. all out blitz is defense

    1st and 19 is best time to try it

    pats do a lot of screans

  5. The Philadelphia Eagles are probably the best at the screen.  The screen is when the RB runs abour 10 yards left or right and most of the time 2 linemen pull out to that side.  Then the QB usually scrambles to the other side to pull the defensive linemen to the opposite side.  Then just a quick throw is made to the RB and he has 2 lead blockers in front of him.  

    There really isnt a screen proof play but there is a play that is a perfect time for the screen and that is when the defense blitzs.  The offense prays they blitz on a screen play.  

    Offenses use it on any down its  quite popular play

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