
What is a "sluice room"?

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also, what may it be used for?




  1. it`s where nurses sterilise equipment used in the wards

  2. a sluice room is where we wash bedpans and empty them,sick bowls are kept in there as well as wee bottles or containers.we wash out the containers or bottles in there and we dispose of solid waste which might be on sheets.we also keep bed pads in there as well. basically its a bit like a cleaning room where everything is kept but its not for the floor its for the patients.  

  3. It is classically the room off the ward where rubbish and clinical waste is stored. It often houses the machines to dispose of bed pans and bottles. The name goes back many years. When I was a medical student I got my hands dirty working as a nurse in my University holidays. I am sure all doctors would benefit from this to give them a little more humility! Interestingly one of my older male GP partners who retired before me, also qualified as a nurse before going in to medicine and I actually managed 2 increments as a nurse! At that time bottles and bed pans were all non-disposable and were washed out in the 'Sluice Room.' Initially by hand and later by machine. On the Matron's round days we had to polish the bed pans! ( Bet you are glad that was before your time Rhianna!)

  4. It's a room in a hospital where they clean the bedpans and dispose of the rubbish.


  5. lol YOU worked as a Nurse Dr Frank?? Yes d**n right I am glad that was before my time!! Thank god they have machines now! How would I ever survive!!

    (Nice to see you by the way x*x I was missing you)

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