
What is a really good medical school for someone who wants to be a pediatrician?

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What is a really good medical school for someone who wants to be a pediatrician?




  1. vanderbilt university is awesome.  It is in Nashville,TN.  Kinda pricey tho, check it out online.

  2. The short answer is the best medical school is your own state university's medical school.  There are three reasons: 1) It's the lowest tuition you would have to pay versus any other medical school.  2) As a state resident, you have priority over an equally credentialed non-resident.  3) There's not a dime's bit of difference in the quality of education one receives at ABC medical school versus XYZ medical school.  There are several agencies monitoring all US medical schools to assure that.  Certainly, there are well known medical institutions such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins and such.  But these institutions earned their reputations through the residency programs they offer, the research they have and are performing and the medical centers associated with the institution.  None of these have anything to do with their medical schools.  Many students don't know this and make the mistake of thinking they will get a superior education at one school versus another.  The truth is, if any one school produced superior students, that school's program would be copied by all of the other schools and that school's graduates would be known as the better physicians.  That has never happened because the entire medical education system is constantly monitored.  For the same reason, no school is allowed to produce inferior students.  If the standard testing done by all schools reflects a statistically significant variance, inquiries are made, changes are mandated or accreditation is removed.  About the only time a drop in tests scores happens is when a new instructor isn't quite making the grade and the school has to act quickly to remedy that.

    Be smart and go to your own state's medical school.  In your last year, you'll learn where the good pediatric residency programs are and that's where you want to go--not some "big name' school.  Unless, of course, you have this illogical need to give a medical school two to three times the tuition others would pay.

  3. I agree with the post by J.  I went to a state school (known for Big Ten football) for medical school and saved about $60,000 in tuition compared to out-of-state schools.  I got into a decent residency training program and I'm currently in my cardiology fellowship.  In the end it doesn't really matter.  As the saying goes, whether you went to Harvard or someplace else, you still have an M.D. at the end of your name.  Your residency training is more important than where you went for medical school.  

    The only reason why your medical school would have an impact as to your pediatric residency training is if you want to attend the residency program at your medical school.  Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about that now.  Getting into medical school is tough enough without those kind of restrictions.

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