
What is a really good team for pokemon diamond?plz answer(best answer to first helpful answer).

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I am starting a new game on diamond but need to know a really good team.




  1. Here's a non-legendary team that is somewhat easy to catch.

    Torterra(get in the beginning of game)-Leaf Storm, Earthquake, Synthesis, Giga Drain

    Staraptor(Catch A Starly and Evolve It)- Fly, Ariel Ace, Steel Wing, Wing Attack

    Luxray(Catch A Luxio or a Shinx and evolve it)- Discharge, Bite/Crunch, Thunderbolt, any move

    Tentacruel(Catch a tentacool and evolve)- Surf, Waterpulse/Waterfall, Poison Jab/Any Poison Move, Toxic/ Any Poison Move

    Kadabra/Alakazam(Catch and evolve abra)- Psychic, Psycho Cut, Recover, Teleport/Anyother Move

    Any Fire type will be good for your last one!!! XD

  2. my team is a lvl 100 rayquaza lvl 100 floatzel 70 something heatran  a lvl 80 giratina lvl 100 lucario and 100 munchlax

  3. I personally don't really like legendaries. I think a true team is when you train all your pokemon hard. You should capture all different types or pokemon. If you just started then catch shinx, it's a really good electric type. Once you beat the game and have the national pokedex, start looking for pokemon that suites you, so actually your pokemon diamond team is temporary until you have the national dex.

    My Team:







    I never migrated pokemon.

  4. This is my current team on Pearl (haven't defeated the game yet):

    Torterra-Big Root is Held Item. Moves are Earthquake, Solarbeam, Leech Seed, Crunch

    Staraptor-No held Item (?). Moves are Agility, Aerial Ace, Fly, and Close Combat

    Uxie-No held Item (?). Moves are Yawn, Dream Eater, Psychic, and Charge Beam

    Palkia-Held Item is Lustrious Orb. Moves are Special Rend, Surf, Aerial Ace, and Thunder.

    Luxray-No held Item (?). Moves are Crunch, Shock Wave, Swagger, and Thunder Fang

    Rapidash-Held Item is Luck Incense. Moves are Agility, Fire Blast,  Strength, and Solarbeam (not sure, but whatever move it is, I'm replacing it with Sunny Day).

    This is the team I'm aiming for on my Diamond (migrating Pokemon from previous games)

    Sceptile-Moves would be Aerial Ace, Solarbeam, Leaf Blade, and Bullet Seed

    Swampert-Moves would be Blizzard, Muddy Water, Surf, and Earthquake

    Blaziken-moves would be Flamethrower, Blazke Kick, Sky Uppercut, and Double Kick

    Rayquaza-moves would be Dragon Dance, Draco Meteor, Rest, and Extremespeed.

    Mightyena-moves would be Shadow Ball, Crunch, Double Kick, and Rock Smash

    Swellow-moves would be Agility, Aerial Ace, Fly, and Air Slash

    Hope I helped by telling you my team from Pearl and my dream team!

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